Upon completing the course, participants will be able to:
Define cash transfer programming and comprehend the core concepts and terminologies related to cash and voucher assistance.
Articulate the principles for practising CVA effectively and understand its various delivery mechanisms and tools.
Identify the key factors that determine the suitability of cash and voucher assistance in specific humanitarian contexts and recognize the necessary prerequisites and considerations for implementing CVA.
Analyze the relevance and impact of cash and voucher assistance in different crises and advocate for CVA as a valuable humanitarian response strategy to diverse stakeholders.
Examine the step-by-step process of implementing cash and voucher assistance throughout the project cycle and identify critical tasks and milestones in each phase of the project.
Understand the distinct functions and roles of various staff members involved in CVA implementation and appreciate the importance of collaboration and coordination among team members.
Module 1: Introduction to CVA
Core concepts and terminologies of cash and voucher assistance
Principles for practising CVA effectively
Module 2: Modalities, Delivery Mechanisms, and Tools
Various methods of delivering cash and voucher assistance to beneficiaries
Commonly used tools in CVA implementation
Module 3: Preconditions for Successful Implementation
Key factors determining the suitability of CVA in specific humanitarian contexts.
Necessary prerequisites and considerations for implementing CVA.
Module 4: Key Steps in the Humanitarian Project Cycle – Roles and Responsibilities
Step-by-step process of implementing CVA throughout the project cycle
Identification of critical tasks and milestones in each phase of the project
Distinct functions and roles of various staff members involved in CVA implementation.
Importance of collaboration and coordination among team members
The course empowers participants with practical knowledge to make informed decisions and contribute meaningfully to humanitarian efforts. By understanding the transformative power of cash and voucher assistance, participants will be equipped to positively impact vulnerable populations during times of crisis. Through real-life case studies, hands-on exercises, and interactive discussions, participants will gain a deep understanding of CVA best practices and be prepared to play a vital role in shaping effective and efficient cash-based assistance programs worldwide.
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