
Grants Acquisition and Management for NGOs Training Workshop-USD 500 (Online – 2 Weeks, 2hrs/Day)

This course enables participants to appreciate the concept of private and public grants, Be able to learn how to use and implement effective grant writing skills and identify the practical ways of managing a grant once acquired. This Training will provide participants with the necessary knowledge, skills and tools to implement grant development and management systematically.

Course Objectives
  • To guide the participants in understanding the concepts of Grants Management

  • To develop an effective Grants Lifestyle process that is functioning in a project

  • To be able to implement up to standard Grants accounting principles and compliance

  • To develop well-established and sort out Grants control and well-prepared reporting structures.

Training Programme

Module 1: Grants Management

  • Introduction to Grants Management

  • Grants and Project Development

  • Grants Award Types

  • Grants Preparation and Planning

Module 2: Grants Lifestyle

  • Pre- Award

  • Proposal Development and Submission

  • Grants Budgeting

Module 3: Grants Accounting and Compliance

  • Implementation

  • Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Compliance of Projects

  • Regulatory and Audits Processes

Module 4: Grants Control and Reporting

  • Contract Management

  • Compliance Risk Assessments

  • Control Environments and Activities

  • Grants Reporting

  • Close out

Participants will be issued Digital Certification after successful completion of the training.
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