International Peace Day

International Day of Peace 2021

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In this nuclear era of the 21st century where the world is facing threats and terror every minute, only one thesis comes to mind and that is to maintain peace and unity. A single day in a year to maintain peace and to ensure 24 hours of no violence can make a big difference, especially at a time when terror is spreading very fast. On September 21st of each year, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace, also known as World Peace Day. This day is a United Nations-sanctioned holiday dedicated to world peace and the absence of violence and war, such as might be triggered by a temporary ceasefire. It was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly and is kept by many nations, military groups, political groups, and people.

In 2001, the General Assembly, led by the UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, voted to mark the Day as a period of non-violence and cease-fire. This day would change the course of the world irrevocably as the UN declared 21st September “a day of global ceasefire and non-violence.” Two decades later and Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon has kept up this tradition, by calling for a global ceasefire to be upheld each year. There has always been a theme every year addressing the major prevailing issues in the world. Last year’s theme was “Shaping Peace Together”, which mostly sought to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic that has terrorized the world within a very short time.

The Theme of World Peace Day 2021

The theme this year is “Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world”, which signifies the healing era after the pandemic, although it’s still among us. Since many developing countries still haven’t recovered after suffering immensely from the pandemic, it’s the collective duty of everyone to stretch a helping hand. The International Day of Peace honors the power of global unity in building a peaceful and sustainable world. At a time of unprecedented challenges, this has never been as important since much of the world still suffers from violence and war.

Significance of the International Day of Peace

The International Day of Peace helps promote peace and honor the prominent peacekeepers who have tirelessly worked to end conflict. With peace, social mindfulness is ensured as people are bound to focus on global prevailing issues which will help eradicate poverty and hunger, hence enhancing global social and economic stability. It also provides children and youth with a powerful opportunity to engage in peace-related activities and impact their world positively. This meaningful involvement helps set a tone of unity and respect in them.

Today in New York City, the United Nations will ring the Peace Bell to commence World Peace Day. All people of all nations are invited to honor a cessation of hostilities during this Day and to commemorate it by spreading awareness on peace-related issues. In the face of the pandemic and as we heal, let’s all celebrate peace by speaking out against hateful acts both online and offline, and by sharing optimism, generosity, and compassion. Remember, peace begins with you. Wishing you a Happy International Day of Peace.



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