Components of an evaluation report

Components of An Evaluation Report

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Do you plan to write an evaluation report? Are you stumped as to what to include? Here are some elements that should be covered in the document.

  1. Background
  • The evaluation’s context, such as social, political, economic, and institutional factors.
  • Identify the most important stakeholders.
  • Emphasize the intervention’s current status in terms of execution. Are there any notable differences? (e.g., tactics, plans, logical frameworks).
  • Describe the intervention’s logic model/results chain (inputs, outputs, and outcomes).
  1. Purpose, Objectives, and Scope
  • Explain why the evaluation was required (purpose).
  • Make the evaluation questions stand out (objectives).
  • State the evaluation’s scope, including justifications for what the evaluation does and does not include.
  • Describe the evaluators’ chosen evaluation criteria, performance standards, or other criteria.
  1. Methodology
  • Describe the data collecting and analysis methods, as well as the reasons for choosing them and their limits. Where applicable, reference indicators and benchmarks are supplied.
  • Describe the data sources you used, why you chose them, and what limits they have.
  • Describe the sample frame.
  • Provide proof that adequate steps were taken to assure data quality, including evidence that the data-gathering technologies were reliable and valid.
  • Ethical considerations, including participant permission, privacy, and confidentiality.
  1. Findings
  1. Conclusions and Lesson Learned
  • Evaluative judgments based on results and supported by information that provides light on evaluation questions
  • Lessons should be more than a recitation of common knowledge. They should be related to lessons learned throughout the review that can be applied to a variety of situations and/or industries.
  1. Recommendations
  • They should be backed up with facts and conclusions.
  • They are pertinent to the evaluation’s objectives.
  • Each recommendation’s target group is clearly identified.
  • They’re actionable, and they demonstrate a grasp of the potential barriers to follow-up.
  1. Annexes

This could include things like (list not exhaustive)

  • Terms of Reference (ToRs).
  • A list of the people interviewed and the places visited.
  • A list of the documents that were consulted.
  • Additional information on the approach, such as data gathering instruments and their reliability and validity.
  • Biographical information for evaluators and/or reasons for team makeup.
  • Evaluation matrix.
  • Results framework.
  • Sampling frame.
  1. Executive Summary

At a minimum, the Executive Summary should cover:

  • The evaluation’s goals and target audience.
  • The method of evaluation.
  • The most crucial results and conclusions
  • The most significant recommendations.

To learn more in this field, our Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning (MEAL) course equips you with in-depth knowledge aimed at helping you advance your career. Enroll today for a 10% discount!


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